Together we can end domestic abuse.
Updating your business account details
If we’ve asked you to update your details, or if you’ve recently applied for a new product, please read the information below carefully before completing the form.
Why do we need your business details?
It’s vitally important that your business details are up to date. We regularly review all business accounts to check we have accurate information about who’s involved in your business or organisation, what it does, and how you use the account. Even if we’ve asked you to update your details before, please take around 10 minutes to fill in the form and keep your account secure and operating smoothly.
What happens if you don’t update your details?
If you don’t update your details a block will be placed on your account. This block would stop all incoming and outgoing transactions, like payments to suppliers or employees. We have to do this as part of our regulatory requirements. To stop a block being placed on your account, please complete the Know Your Business form as soon as possible.
How to update your business details
- Request the Know Your Business (KYB) form below
- We'll email you the KYB form
- Fill out the form using information listed below
- Submit the form and if we need further information from you, we will be in touch
What information you will need:
You cannot save and resume the form later, so please make sure you have the following information to hand:
Your Business Details - your registered and trading addresses, 'proof of trading address' dated within the last 3 months, 'proof of partnership' if applicable.
Business Activity – the nature and purpose of your business including turnover, and if applicable, professional body registration details.
People Manager Information – details of you and other key people within your business.
To hold a key position - such as director, partner or sole trader with authority to complete the form.
Companies House information - Up to date and relevant information (if applicable). Incorrect information is likely to cause delays updating your details.
We use Adobe Sign for this kind of request. Adobe will pass the information you provide to us in a secure manner and won’t process it in any other way. Information on how we use your data can be found in our Data Privacy Notice.
Need help? Call 0330 678 4755(opens in a new tab) (lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 2pm Saturdays).