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Find the savings account for you

Save for the short term, long term, for you, or your children. Whatever your goals are, compare our savings accounts to find the right one.

Find the savings account for you

Save for the short term, long term, for you, or your children. Whatever your goals are, compare our savings accounts to find the right one.

Money bag

Cash ISAs

Earn tax-free interest on your savings

  • Up to 4.02% Tax Free/4.10% AER fixed (for an 18 Month Fixed Rate Cash ISA)
  • Save up to £20,000 each tax year, and earn interest tax-free


Instant access

Dip into your savings whenever you need to

  • Up to 6.00% gross/AER fixed for 12 months (for a Monthly Saver)
  • Build your savings, and access it if you need to


Fixed rates

Save with a set interest rate for a fixed time

  • Up to 4.15% gross/AER fixed (for a 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond)
  • Save a lump sum at a fixed interest rate for your chosen amount of time

Piggy bank

Save for a child

Put money aside for your child's future

  • Up to 3.55% Tax Free/AER variable (for a Junior Cash ISA)
  • Encourage children to start saving from a young age

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Looking to invest?

We've teamed up with Wealthify to offer our customers a range of simple, affordable investment accounts.

Piggy bank

ISAs in a nutshell

Find out what ISAs are, what makes them tax-efficient, who can open one, plus more.

Is your savings rate ending soon?

If you have a Fixed Rate Cash ISA or Fixed Bond savings account that’s coming to an end, then there are a few options that you can pick from.

Supporting access to cash

We partner with LINK and Cash Access UK to ensure our customers can easily access their cash.

Find the best way to withdraw cash
Use LINK's cash locator(opens in a new tab) to find the best way to take cash out in your area. 

Need better access in your community?
Find out about LINK and how they can improve access to cash in your community.

Cash Access UK and LINK

Savings account FAQs

Your money's protected

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects up to £85,000 of your eligible money at TSB. For more information, please visit the FSCS website. 

FSCS logo

Need any help?

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Lines open 8am - 8pm Monday to Sunday.

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Important Information

The Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) shows what the interest would be if the interest was paid and added to the account once each year. It lets you compare savings accounts easily. Gross rate means that credit interest is paid without income tax being deducted. Tax-free is the contractual rate of interest payable where interest is exempt from income tax.

You need to be 16+ and UK resident to open most of our savings accounts with the exception of Savings Pots and TSB ISAs. For children under 16 please see specific pages for opening procedures.