If you’re struggling to hear what people say, or if you have lost your hearing, there are things we can do to make sure you can still get the information you need about your finances.

Hearing in branch
All our branch counters offer "hearing loop” technology.
This means if you have a hearing aid with a "T" symbol, you just click the T and you’ll hear people talking more clearly.
Using sign language
We offer the SignVideo service.
This is a video link to a live interpreter using sign language who can pass back to you what staff are saying.
In branch, just ask us to set up SignVideo for you.
Online, click any Sign Video icon to set up a live link.
Help from a friend or relative
If needed, you can nominate someone to help you with your banking. To do this, visit your local branch or use the third party online form’ below.
Power of attorney
If you’re looking to set up a power of attorney follow the link or call the number below
Learn more about power of attorney
Or call to find out more on 03459 758758, lines open 8am - 8pm
Bank with us digitally
Remember, you don’t need to hear spoken words when you bank with our mobile app or Internet Bank. Get our mobile banking app from the usual app stores.

Use BT Relay UK
Speak to us using your text phone via BT’s Relay UK service. Before calling any of our numbers, just add the prefix 18001 you will be connected to a Relay UK agent, who will speak your words to us, and text our words back to you.
Or download the Relay app to your phone so you can text us and get live replies
Important information
Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Apple Pay and Apple Watch are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC. Android, Google Pay, and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google LLC.